Thursday, April 23, 2015

March & April Mulder Update

Hello again to those who find the time to keep updated with our life here in Ti Riviere.  This post is going to include a number of topics, so it is my hope I can be as concise as I need to while communicating well what is on our hearts and minds….. but I have a feeling it could be a short book……

April and March were very busy months with short-term teams coming and going.  Teams are an aspect to Mission Haiti, that we as full-time MH team members really look forward to.  They bring a great sense of renewed energy, great attitude, willingness to step up to whatever is at hand, and are a source of encouragement to so many people.

We were especially anxious for the past couple teams to arrive because they were entirely made up of people who either attend Sioux Falls Christian School, or Shalom CRC in Sioux Falls, SD.  It was a wonderful two weeks, where we had a unique connection to almost every person here.  I said it often as they were on our property, ‘It feels like our worlds are colliding!’  Our home church, and the school I taught at and our children attended were coming to see a part of what life was like in Haiti, what a blessing!

Both teams did a variety of things, and were graciously flexible when plans had to change because of situations such as rain or road conditions.  The main goal for our short-term teams is to experience the culture and lives of the Haitian people, bring encouragement in as many ways as possible, and then return to the states being able to tell a more informed story from a part of the world which has so much to share.

So just as it was very exciting to see the SFC, and Shalom team arrive on our property, that meant that we were also going to have to say goodbye.  Our girls know by now what the feeling is like when the ‘goodbye’ day comes.  Regan, our youngest, has her own way of dealing with it… most goodbye mornings you will find her in our house alone, sitting by the table coloring.  I have even heard her talking to herself and trying to cheer herself up!  So yes, saying goodbye is not easy, but in some ways it is nice to again get back to our normal day-to-day activities, which get put to the side as we are spending time with teams.  This means the school books come back out, laundry gets caught up, financial reports are updated, time as a family again is a priority........ and we catch up on sleep : )

Moving Forward
We would also like to take this time to inform you that our family has decided to move back to America at the end of June.  At that time, Tim will be assuming a full-time position with Mission Haiti as their Chief Operations Officer, and I will be back at SFC teaching k-5 art!  We made this decision about a couple months into our return to Haiti this past January.  At that time there was some changes happening with MH staff positions in America, and so it was made clear that Tim would be able to use his gifts in an effective way from the US. 

This past year has been one where our family has been tested, stretched, educated and required to consider life in a whole new way.  And in the years to come, I am certain we will continue to learn from our time in Haiti, even as we will again call America our home.  It is also exciting to consider what this experience will bring to the role Tim will play within Mission Haiti in the states.  Having developed relationships, and living amongst those who work for and with Mission Haiti, he will bring a new dimension that we hope continues to develop and maintain lasting partnerships between all peoples.  His position will also require him to be making regular trips back to Haiti, maybe up to 6-8 times a year.  This too is exciting as our whole family has hopes of returning from time to time, to see the people we have been able to now call our family, and continue a connection in our girls’ lives.

This past week we were able to sit down with people in leadership of MH here, as well as most staff members and explain what our plans were.  This was not easy, and we ask you continue to pray for all those involved.   It is our hope that the people here understand to some degree why we have made this decision, accept it, and then continue to treat us with the love and respect they have so graciously given in the past.

Our girls heard the news after all others were informed.  They responded with a big mixture of emotions.  There were tears, both of sadness and joy, followed by a lot of questions about when we decided this, and about a lot of the details that Tim nor I have worked out yet concerning our living situation once we are back in America.  I have said it before, but the girls have been asked to process and handle a lot for their ages in the past year, and for the most part have handled it remarkably well. 

We also ask you to pray for the people who will be here in our place.  We are trusting that God will provide the right people/person, in His time, for Tim’s position here as property supervisor and financial guy.  It is a role, which as the ministry continues to grow, will need to be taken on by someone to allow for our other teammates to continue doing the quality of work they are doing.

That leads me to my final point… please pray with us for the team we are leaving here in Haiti.  Paul and Bethany Perissian have been an enormous source of encouragement, strength and sanity during our time in Haiti.  They have committed to another year, as they anticipate the opening of the Jean Alexis Kouslin Academy this fall, where Paul will be the director and Bethany will assume here current position as an integral player in our student sponsorship program and offer ophthalmology assistance to many.   It is hard on our hearts to know we are moving back to the US, and they will be continuing their work here without us.  We do anticipate the return of Pam Plasier at the end of May, but even with her return, more hands and hearts are needed to continue operating to the best of Mission Haiti’s abilities in Haiti.

So again, there are many details that need to be worked out in this time of yet another transition.  It seems God is making sure we don’t get too comfortable where we are at, as He is continually displaying His control and not our reliance on our own selves.
If you have any questions for us, please feel free to contact us at or

I think this is long enough for now…. But soon I hope to be filling you in on the role Mission Haiti plays in education for the more than 2000 students in the southern part of Haiti.  Look forward to some words given to me by Paul and Bethany as they, along with so many in Haiti and US, tackle the huge responsibility of establishing and encouraging a greater quality of education to this generation!

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