Monday, June 16, 2014

Logan's Perspective

We thought it would be interesting for you to hear our daughter Logan's perspective.  The other day I (Sara) asked if she would be open to this idea, and she thought it sounded pretty good.  I came up with some questions for her to answer, and over the course of a few days she took time to write them down.  I am going to do my best to type them exactly how she wrote them in her 8 year old way.  ENJOY! : )

What was your first reaction when we told you we were moving to Haiti?
When I found out that we were moving to a different country I was scared and excited.  I was crying happy and sad tears.  I asked a ton of questions.  One of the was if we were staying there for ever.  There was a song on the radio that really helped me.  It said that you aren't going to be comfortable your hole life and that we need to tell other about God.

What are you most excited about? Why?
There are a ton of things I am excited about.  One of them is making knew friends with the kids at the orfanige and the schools we will viset.  One reasone why is because I want to learn more about the people of Haiti.

What are you most concerned about? Why?
The thing that I am most concerned about is getting sick.  There are lots of ways to get sick there so we have to be careful.  One way we can get sick is not wearing shoes.  Bugs can heart our feet.

How have you been getting ready?
We have been going through stuff that we are going to take along and stuff to get rid of.  Also today we got seeds to plant at Haiti.  My room is a lot cleaner now that the junk is out!

What are some things you will do in Haiti?
I will play with the kids at the orfenage, and go to the ocean, and viset schools, and I will be home schooled.  I am excited to do all these and I'm sure I will do much more.

What have you learned about yourself through this process?
Something I found out about myself is that I just need to know what is happening and I'll be fine.  I was really nervosa when I found out that we were moving to a different country but know I am so excited.

What have you learned about others?
I learned that people care enough to help us.  I am very thankful that they want to help us.

What have you learned about God?
I learned that God will take good care of us in Haiti.  He has given us the oppertunatee to go and share God's love.


I love how simple yet thoughtful Logan's answers were.  It has been a learning process for Tim and I to know how much to reveal to our girls about how much change will be happening for them.  We want to be very honest with them so the culture shock will be slightly less, yet respect and acknowledge that their minds cannot fully grasp all that will be different or difficult.  We have been so thankful that  they have been really excited, yet understanding that have yet to fully experience Haiti.  But I was reminded this weekend by a friend that the fact they haven't experienced Haiti could cause fear and sadness... and it hasn't for our girls.  This is again a very clear example of God's provision, nothing that we as parents have created in them.