Monday, April 28, 2014

Colossians 1:11

I believe before we add anymore posts to this blog I (Sara) must make this disclaimer at least for the posts I write... On this blog you will hopefully be informed & hear our hearts expressed, but I do not claim to be a wonderful writer.  So I apologize in advance for any post which does not uphold correct grammar and/or spelling, I have taught art for a reason the past 11 years!

Ok, with that out of the way I wanted to fill you in a bit about what is going on in our preparations for our move to Haiti this summer.

Things we are currently working on are:

  • Selling Our House 
    • We have put in some long days the past couple weeks in getting our house ready to show! This process has been a big one but we are pleased with how much has been accomplished and grateful to those who have helped in big and small ways in this process.  We have had generous friends and family who have given of their time to be with our girls while we worked on house things, been willing to store items for us in their homes, and rented equipment to move large items.  Despite the amount of work, it has been a pretty good feeling to have been able to go through all we own and really question if we need it or not.   Given where we are moving to, it has put a whole new spin on how we view the things we have and causes us to question their value.
  • Health Insurance 
    • Right now we are still evaluating a few different options for our insurance for our family while we are living in Haiti.  This is a sort of interesting area to research given all the recent changes to healthcare for all Americans.
  • Homeschool Curriculum 
    • We have been wonderfully blessed in this area of preparations, yet another big way we have experienced affirmation in this process due to the community of people I work with at Sioux Falls Christian Schools.  We have had multiple teachers and parents of home-schooled children approach us in wanting to help figure this all out both financially, as well as in deciding which curriculum to use.
  • Medical Preparations
    • When moving into Sioux Falls 7 years ago we called a Sanford clinic because we needed to find a family practice doctor, mainly because we were expecting another child.  We were very randomly given the name of our doctor and we have been very pleased ever since.  She has been supportive in talking with us about our move, and willing to do whatever she can when it comes to any possible situation that might come up in Haiti that she might be able to educate us about, or supply prescriptions for ahead of time.
  • Mission Haiti Team Building
    • A few weeks ago all the Mission Haiti employees in the U. S. along with the other 3 Americans who will be moving with us met (1 couple via SKYPE) so we all could get on the same page about many different topics.  We were very encouraged at this meeting on many different levels about a variety of topics.  That was a very broad statement... but we realized after that meeting that we need to continue to be intentional about not just crossing off our moving to-do lists and ignore the relational and human side of all of this.  It is very easy to get caught up in the details and logistics of this all and neglect the relationship & spiritual development that is integral.
  • Learning French
    • We have been told our girls will learn this much quicker than Tim or I, maybe they can eventually become our translators : )   This element excites me but is also a bit overwhelming among the rest of details right now.
  • Researching Business Opportunities 
    • Tim has had a number of meetings over the past few weeks with business owners, chicken farmers, and board members in gathering information he needs.  All very interesting stuff that I will save for him to post someday... I am afraid I would get the terms all wrong.
Way back in February we sat down for supper with a couple from our church family who moved their 3 girls to Africa for a year when their youngest was 5.  That evening the wife made the comment that once she actually got on the plane to leave the U.S. she breathed a sigh of relief.  She described the time leading up to their move as [simply crazy]... I believe the husband may have even referred to her at that time as 'nuts' (I am sure it was in the most loving way).  
Tim commented to me the other day that we are in that time that couple spoke of, right now.  There have been days I have felt 'nuts!'  I have commented to many that I am frustrated with myself in how I am completing usually normal tasks throughout my days and weeks.  A certain standard has had to be accepted that usually would not be alright with me, a daily reminder that only by God's great mercy and grace being heaped on us through those He has put in our lives,  has all this been possible.

Colossians 1:11  We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you have all the endurance and patience you need. (NLT)


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Letter to Friends & Family

This is a letter we are in the process of getting out to many people in our lives.  If you have been directed here to our blog by us or another way, we thank you for taking the time to read about the adventure ahead of us.

Please keep checking back as this blog will be an evolving project over the next several months as we prepare to leave for Haiti this July.


Dear Family and Friends,

We are writing this letter to inform the people we love that our family will be moving in July of this year to join a ministry called Mission Haiti.  We visited Mission Haiti in December of last year and felt the Lord’s calling to get involved in the work that God is doing there.  We weren’t exactly sure what that calling meant right away, but after a couple months of prayerful consideration we knew God was working in our hearts to make a major change in our lives.  

This has not been a decision we have come to easily, but we can say God has given us peace and confidence in stepping forward in obedience. While in Haiti this past December, there was an afternoon about half-way through our trip where we had time to discuss where we both were at in terms of what we were experiencing.  It was one of those moments where we both knew what we were being prepared for, yet had a long way to go in fully trusting God.  We knew Ti-Rivier was a place our girls could live and thrive; it was then a matter of surrendering all our plans for HIS.

We have committed to joining Mission Haiti for 1 year at a time.  Tim will be serving as the business manager for the ministry in Haiti, which involves accounting for all financial transactions, encouraging a unified staff and creating more accountability. He will also be exploring several business opportunities with the people in the community including the possibility of a cement block business and chicken farm.  Sara will be using her art skills at the compound and local schools, working with the young women in the area, as well as attending to short-term mission trip groups.  Logan (8), Aubrey (5), and Regan (3) will be homeschooled by their parents (pray for us all J) and developing new friendships with the MH orphanage kids & others in the area. 

“Love Jesus, Love Others, Make Disciples” is the motto of Mission Haiti. We can’t think of a better way to sum up what we as Christians are called to do everyday of our lives.  Mission Haiti focuses on 5 key areas of helping the people of Haiti; Orphan Ministry, School Sponsorships, Evangelism, Medical Care and Short Term Missions.   It has been exciting for us to continually learn more about Mission Haiti as we sense the Spirit is continually leading the ministry in avenues where God’s love will be shared.  One of these ways is in the construction currently underway of a new Christian school.  Preparations are being made to begin classes at this school in the 2015 school year.  You can learn much more about Mission Haiti at their website –

*         The number one way you can help our family over the next year is regular prayer.  Please pray that our family, along with Mission Haiti, can have a positive impact on the people of Haiti and that the Lord will be glorified in all that we do. Please pray that our girls adjust well to the culture and that we all remain healthy and strong during our stay.   

*       Another way to help is through financial support. We are responsible for raising a     large portion of our financial need for the coming year.  If you feel led to support us in this way, please make checks out to Mission Haiti with “Mulder Family” on the memo line.  All donations are 100% tax deductible.  You can give donations directly to Tim and Sara, or mail them to:          
                                                                                                                     Mission Haiti
                                                                                                                     P.O. Box 2175
                                                                                                                     Sioux Falls, SD 57101-2175

Grateful for your love & support,                       Tim, Sara, Logan, Aubrey & Regan Mulder