Monday, November 10, 2014

Block Plant Update

About a week ago Tim sent me an email about the progress on the block company.  It had been a while since things had really taken any strides forward, and so any momentum is very welcome.  The timing is great as an investment group, along with the Mission Haiti board will be traveling for a visit on November 11-16.  Please pray for a fruitful visit while those who have stood beside our team are on location experiencing the in's-and-out's of the ministry.

Here is Tim's email about the block plant:

I wanted to shoot you a quick update on the block company.  It seems like in Haiti every time we take two steps forward, we follow that up with taking another step back.  All of you are well aware of how Haiti works. Concerning the block company, this week was “two steps forward”, so that’s when I love to send an email update.
The construction boss we hired to do the wall and bridge for the block company started working this week. They have been working in our yard all week cutting and preparing the re-bar for the bridge and the wall of the block company. I’ve attached a couple pictures showing the work. The boss and his crew have worked about 10 hour days this entire week, so that has been great to see.
In addition, today we met with the gentleman from Port-A-Prince who will be training our guys how to run the block machine. He has agreed to a two month contract in which we will pay him and one other worker from PAP to train our guys. It was nice to hear that this man is a Christian and has a family (wife and two boys).

This was wonderful to read that things have been moving in this department.  Tim has done a great job being patient, while knowing this is a big part of what his role in Haiti should include.  We have been able to also see how the time up until now, as work on the block plant has been slow, has allowed Tim to begin understanding how business works, how to hire personnel, and how to enter into contracts within the Haitian culture.

Continue to pray for this area of the Mission Haiti ministry.  There aren't always the emotional stories involved with this side of things, like there is when talking of  our orphanage care, or mountain ministry.  But prayer is needed for safety, protection and integrity for all those who work on site to build this plant, and work with each other during long days of difficult manual labor.